PMRC (Australia) Inc is an affiliate of the Pastoral and Matrimonial Renewal Centre (PMRC) – an international affiliation of lay Catholics, clergy and religious dedicated to providing innovative programs and resources for Catholic parishes, schools, movements and other organisations and communities. At the heart of its activities are its insights into Matrimony, sexuality and lay empowerment.
Founded in 1975, PMRC has a long history of service to the Catholic community across multiple countries. Established to lead Catholics into a deeper awareness and experience of the relational nature of their faith, it aims to invigorate parishes, schools and communities primarily through the empowerment of the Sacrament of Matrimony.
Today, the PMRC is led by lay Catholics who have responded to the call of Saint Pope John Paul II’s “new evangelization”. Its resources and services span all stages of Catholic faith-life formation with a particular emphasis on the Sacrament of Matrimony and sexual love.
PMRC affiliate organisations and their resources are active in a of number countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Philippines, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Poland, Hungary and Ireland.
PMRC (Australia) Inc: an incorporated association and a registered charity, recognised by the Attorney General’s Department as an organisation providing marriage relationship services in Australia under the Marriage Act. It works in the service of families and Catholic communities through several initiatives:
- The SmartLoving suite of courses, articles, eBooks, podcast and more, have a global reach, and collaborate with dioceses, parishes and clergy across the globe.
- CathFamily is an online database of catechetical resources for parents and catechists celebrating Catholic culture and traditions.
- Antioch: a Catholic youth group that offers the opportunity for adolescents to meet people with common values and expand their faith experience.
- PMRC Relationship Education Foundation: a Deductible Gift Recipient Foundation providing funding to organisations and activities that support marriage and relationship education to the Australian community.