Application for SmartLoving Grant

It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to maintain the SmartLoving platform so we are eager to become financially sustainable. We want to make these resources available throughout the world, but we need those who can afford to make a financial contribution to do so, in order to make subsidies available to those who can’t.

If you belong to, or minister to, a disadvantaged community in a developing nation or region, you can apply for concession pricing in our Developing Communities Program. This program is designed to make SmartLoving, and other resources of PMRC (Australia), available to impoverished communities at a contribution rate that is within your means.

Our Developing Communities Program allows flexible arrangements depending on the needs and circumstances of the community and may include one or more of the following:

  • Discounted access to online courses
  • Permission to self-print resources locally where shipping costs are prohibitive
  • Discounted print materials

If you would like to apply, please complete the form below.