Funding the BreakThrough Companion Project

In the past, Participants generally worked their way through the SL BreakThrough course alone in the online platform. For many, this was a powerful and helpful experience, but for a significant cohort was under-utilised. These Participants really needed a more personal accompaniment, one that was a flesh and blood accompaniment.

BreakThrough Companions accompany the Participant in the experience meeting up after each part to pray with, encourage, and support the Participant in their transformative journey.

The Companion project will be a great asset to those who provide pastoral care to spouses in marital distress, including priests, deacons, religious, parish ministers, school counsellors.

There’s More to Do
Stage 2 now needs resourcing and includes:

  • Development of training materials
  • Recruitment and training of Companions
  • Assessment and refinement of the Companion track

Future stages will focus on the translation of all materials into Spanish and other languages, expansion into new communities, collaboration with allied professions such as counsellors.

Help us to rollout Stage 2
We’ve already funded the core Companion track development but not the critical elements of the rollout. Your donation will help us to make this happen faster and to reach wider.

Funding a Newlywed Digital Resource

The newlywed years are well known to be the highest risk years for marriage breakdown. The Marriage Resource Centre is presently in the process of designing a digital resource designed to support couples through these years with a weekly thought piece. Content development is underway, and funds will help complete the process and build the digital platform.

Funding a National Marriage Educators Conference

The Marriage Resource Centre hosts Australia’s largest national conference of Catholic marriage educators, The Renaissance of Marriage ( The conference provides input from Australian and international experts in all areas of Catholic marriage formation and is attended by marriage educators (both paid and volunteer), clergy, teachers and those on the coal face of Catholic marriage and relationship education. The PMRC Foundation provided funding to support the costs associated with hosting this event.
In February 2022, the Marriage Resource Centre will host the next Renaissance of Marriage Conference. Registration fees once again will be kept to a minimum, intended to cover the direct and variable costs of the conference only. The Marriage Resource Centre will be seeking funding from the PMRC Foundation to contribute to the fixed costs associated with hosting this event in order to make it accessible to as many attendees as possible.

Supporting organisations working with Youth

The PMRC Foundation actively supports organisations, such as Real Talk International, who provide relationship and proximate marriage education within a Christian ethos to students in high schools.
Good marriage and relationship skills are learnt from an early age, starting in the home, where children learn who they are and how the human person is called to give and receive love. The term proximate marriage education refers to the period in time when young people are dating and starting to make choices about life-long partners.
It is important that students are receiving positive information about healthy relationships and the value of their own self during this formative period in their life, in order to achieve respectful and lasting relationships and marriages in future years. The PMRC seeks to continue to offer funding to broaden the reach of existing programs of Real Talk throughout Australia and to encourage new initiatives in this area.