Every dollar donated to the Foundation is used to directly support marriage and relationship education activities.  All of the administrative work of the Foundation is provided by volunteers and other support infrastructure is ‘gifted’ by other organisations.

All donations to the Foundation over $2 are tax deductible for Australian taxpayers.

Donations may be made in the following ways:

  • Credit card payment – To submit a payment via credit card, please complete the form below.
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (preferred for donations over $500): See our bank details below. Be sure to email your details to us (info@thepmrc.org) so that we can issue you with a receipt.

BSB: 082-053
Account number: 17 448 7613

Recurring Donations

If you plan to make a regular contribution,  we recommend you set an automatic EFT in your online banking account so that you can terminate at any time. Please notify us of your intention so that we can issue a receipt. If you would prefer us to arrange a regular charge to your credit card, you can select the appropriate charge cycle in the form below.

Donate Now

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 2

How did you hear about the PMRC Relationship Education Foundation*
Which project would you most like to see your donation support?*

Donation Frequency:*
If making a donation over $500 please consider using EFT so that we can avoid credit card transaction costs.