Complaints are an important part of accepting feedback and creating a safe environment for participants, customers/users, employees and volunteers and as such are welcomed by the organisation. In accordance with AS ISO 10002-2006, a complaint under this Policy is defined as:
An expression of dissatisfaction made to an organization, related to its products, or the complaints handling process itself, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected.
In developing this policy, PMRC (Australia) has done so in a manner reflecting the distinct nature of its different activities. In doing so, it recognises that there are two distinct types of complaints:
- Complaints relating to the delivery of a service and products with regards to content, quality and delivery (“Product and Service Complaints”)
- Complaints relating to an issue of physical or emotional abuse, which operate within a broader process and are subject to statutory legal regulations (“Abuse Complaints”)
Complaint Contact Details for PMRC (Australia) Activities:
Complaints received by any personnel of the organisation must be referred to the Appropriate Person as follows:
SmartLoving Director of Formation:
Francine Pirola
Antioch National Directors:
Ron & Mavis Pirola
All others (Conference, Symposium, CathFamily etc):
Francine & Byron Pirola
Confidential Staff Matters:
Compliance Contractors: Fidelis Advisory Services
- All complaints received by the organisation must be reviewed and assessed by the Appropriate Person and any required actions be recommended to the Executive or its delegated bodies as appropriate.
- Ideally, complaints will be lodged in written form, with full contact details (name, phone number, email address) of the complainant, and sufficient information regarding the issue concerned.
- If a complaint is received verbally, PMRC personnel must encourage the person to send the complaint in writing to the appropriate person. If a written complaint is not forthcoming, PMRC personnel should note the complaint in writing (briefly) and forward it to the Appropriate Person.
- If the complaint pertains to the person(s) to whom the complaint would normally be forwarded, please contact our compliance contractors for independent advice on how to proceed. Fidelis Advisory Services,
- If your complaint cannot be resolved at first contact, we will endeavour to resolve your complaint within 14 days. If you are dissatisfied with the process or wish to enquire as to the status of your complaint, please contact our office on +614 3434 6280.
- Complaints received by PMRC (Australia) are kept on file for a period of 5 years. Information retained include details of the initial complaint, and a record of the actions/ responses of PMRC in response to the complaint.
- Complaints received in either a verbal or written form relating to an issue of physical or emotional abuse must be brought to the immediate attention of the PMRC Executive, who will then refer the matter to local law enforcement and the Director of Professional Standards in the relevant Diocese. The Director of Professional Standards will manage the process of responding to that complaint, in accordance with the guidelines referred to in the National Response Protocol. In cases where the complaint relates to an incident outside Australia, the equivalent protocol of the local Catholic bishops conference will be followed.
- Ideally, complaints will be lodged in written form, with full contact details (name, phone number, email address) of the complainant, and sufficient information regarding the issue concerned.
- If a complaint is received verbally, PMRC personnel will encourage the person to send the complaint in writing to either the PMRC Executive, and/or the Director of Professional Standards in the relevant Diocese. Where necessary, with the consent of the complainant, PMRC personnel will assist in documenting the details of the complaint, and have these details confirmed by signature of the complainant.
- Where anonymous complaints are received, PMRC (Australia) will ensure local law enforcement has been informed but will be unable to refer the complaint to the Director of Professional Standards in the relevant Diocese until the name of the person and/or the location of the incident is known.
Last Updated 26 Feb 2025