Established in 2009, the PMRC Relationship Education Foundation provides funding to the activities of PMRC Australia and other organisations and individuals involved in marriage and relationship education services to the wider community.

PMRC Relationship Education Foundation Committee

The PMRC Relationship Education Foundation is governed by a Management Committee which meets regularly to review fundraising activities, the status of existing grants, preside over grant applications, and to monitor the regulatory and financial compliance of the Foundation. Current committee members are:

Mr Ray O'Brien

Ray is formerly the General Manager – Distribution at Beyond Bank Australia Limited, one of the largest mutually owned financial institutions in Australia. Prior to that he held the position of Chief Executive Officer of Hunter Valley based Companion Credit Union from 1996 to 2010. Ray has more than 20 years experience in the banking and finance sector and has held senior accounting positions in the mining and manufacturing sectors. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD), a Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants (FIPA) and a Fellow of the Australasian Mutuals Institute (FAMI). With his wife Annmaree, they served as facilitators and mentors with the Smart Loving programs.

Dr Byron Pirola

Byron is the former Managing Director of leading Australian strategy advisory firm, Port Jackson Partners Limited, now EY Port Jackson Partners. He started his consulting career with McKinsey and Company in 1986 where he served clients in Sydney, New York and London. Byron has served as a Director on several listed and private companies. He is Chairman of the registered charity PMRC (Australia) Inc. and led the establishment of the PMRC Relationship Education Foundation in 2009. He is a former member of the Australian Catholic Marriage and Family Council, an advisory body to the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, and served as President of the Australian Council of Natural Family Planning for 8 years. Married to Francine, they have five adult children, a growing number of grandchildren. He holds a PhD (Biochemistry) from Adelaide University and a BSc (1st Class Honors) from the University of NSW.

Mr Brad Prentice

 Brad is a board Member of Southern Cross Care WA, a not for profit Aged and Community Care provider and Chairman of the KSC Charitable Foundation Inc. He is also a part time lecturer and tutor at the University of Western Australia Law School. Brad is married to Mary and has five children and together they have served couples in through the SmartLoving programs for several decades. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws from the University of New South Wales and Master of Laws from the University of Western Australia. Brad is a Chartered Tax Adviser.

How to apply for funding

Applications for funding are made through completion of a Grant Application Form, which is reviewed by the Management Committee. Grant application guidelines may be downloaded here.

Donate to the Foundation

Every dollar donated to the Foundation is used to support qualifying marriage and relationship education activities. All of the administrative work of the Foundation is provided by volunteers and other support infrastructure is ‘gifted’ by other organisations. All donations to the Foundation over $2 are tax deductible for Australian Tax payers.