PMRC (Australia) Incorporated


PMRC (Australia) Incorporated (PMRC) is a not-for-profit, charitable institution with the primary purposes of developing and providing services that aim:

To improve the capacity of individuals, married couples and families to form healthy, stable married relationships and, by doing so:

  1. Increase the quality and stability of marriages.
  2. Reduce the incident of behaviour in pre-married individuals that are likely to reduce the successful formation of and stability of marriages in later years.
  3. Increase protective behaviours (i.e., behaviour that promotes resilience and functionality) for husbands, wives, families and individuals.
  4. Reduce the risk of harmful, abusive or other at-risk behaviours and outcomes, including divorce and emotional, sexual and physical abuse.

The attainment of these objectives is through:

  1. The development of resources and services that are both educative and personally formative in nature, focussed on topics that are directly and indirectly supportive to the formation and sustainability of functional marriages and family relationships consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church
  2. Promoting resources and services primarily for the Catholic community in a manner that makes them accessible to all persons irrespective of their faith traditions or beliefs
  3. Supporting the activities of other organisations with similar purposes

All activities carried out by the PMRC and all acts, decisions, and appointments shall be consistent with these objects and with Catholic teaching.


Last updated 10 Feb 2022